
First aftermath of the privacy shield break

We have mentioned about the invalidation of the Privacy Shield that left data protections laws between the EU and the US unclear.
Very recently, some of us have received a mail from Google Ads to inform on the changes about their privacy policy. Basically, they now have to rely on Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) to be compliant with the GDPR. In a few words, current surveillance laws in the US make it impossible for company to ensure the privacy of EU data subjects.
More importantly, this shows us how data regulation, particularly about privacy, is becoming the new norm and how it affects us as citizens whose data AND privacy are at stake. The GAFAM are behemoths companies some describe as too powerful. It takes so much political power as a unified EU front to lay down the foundations of a future where we can enjoy trendy digital technologies with confidence in adequate safeguards. Imagine using Tik Tok without the international scandal about it!

Future will tell where the line is to be drawn between surveillance and privacy laws, between the US and the EU models. And how it will integrate with other paradigms of data legislation, namely the BATX.

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